Trilha Inca
Uma aventura pelo caminho do Sol

Preços para a Trilha Inca de 2 dias

Adulto US$ 565
Criança1 US$ 545
Depósito2 US$ 129

1A tarifa Adolescente aplica-se a adolescentes dos 10 aos 17 anos incluídos, idade à data do trekking, apresentando pessoalmente o seu documento de identificação.

2A tarifa Crianças aplica-se a crianças dos 3 aos 9 anos incluídos, idade à data do trekking, apresentando pessoalmente o seu documento de identificação.

3Para mais comodidade, no momento da reserva, você só paga um depósito fixo, independentemente das opções selecionadas. O saldo pendente deve ser pago em nossa agência em Cusco.

Trek options

Options Price
Return in Vistadome train US$ 30
Sleeping bag (if campsite chosen) US$ 19Price for 1 night
Walking sticks (the pair) US$ 19
Trilingual Guide US$ 99
Price for the group
Accommodation - Campsite 1 person: US$ 39
2+: US$ 19
Price per person
Accommodation - Hotel From US$ 60
Price per room


Our prices already include all the services unless the accommodation, that is 'a la carte'. You can choose to spend the first night in a campsite in Aguas Calientes; or in a hotel in Aguas Calientes chosen from our selection (see a complete comparative); or you can make the reservation on your own.

If you want to stay an extra day in Aguas Calientes (3rd additionnal day), the night cannot be in a campsite and you will need do sleep at a hotel, chosen from our selection or you can make the reservation on your own.

Habitação1 Categoria Descritivo Quarto de solteiro Quarto duplo Quarto triplo
Retama 3 stars Offers a good confort at an affordable price. US$ 60 US$ 70 US$ 90
Tara 3 stars Offers a very good confort at an affordable price. US$ 80 US$ 90 US$ 110
Inti Punku Inn 3 stars Offers a very good confort at a reasonable price. US$ 100 US$ 100 US$ 130
Hatun Inti Classic 3 stars Offers a very good confort at a reasonable price. US$ 100 US$ 100 US$ 130

1 Prices are indicated per room (not per person).

1 If there were no rooms available for the dates you chose, we will replace the hotel for one of the same category, with no extra charge.

Additional day

Optionally, you can add 1 day (extra day) to your 2-day trek, for a hike in three days in total. The third day is free although most hikers spend time visiting Machu Picchu for a second time. Adding an additional 3rd day is free and it can be done while booking or later at any time. You can chose our paying options or book them on your own.

Options Price
Entrance to Machu Picchu only
(or + Huchuy Picchu, or + Puente Inca)
The entrance tickets must be paid during the reservation.
Adult: US$ 54
Child: US$ 25
Local: US$ 23
Local Child: US$ 11
Entrance to Machu Picchu + Wayna Picchu
(or + Machu Mountain)
The entrance tickets must be paid during the reservation.
Adult: US$ 71
Child: US$ 42
Local: US$ 40
Local Child: US$ 28
Bus to Machu Picchu US$ 26